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Together as a mass consciousness... we can use our minds to move the wax!
Plus watch WISDOM OF WAX on youtube.com/thudrumble
for all Q’s skratch secrets!
1. The Defenders
Produced by Skratchy Seal
2. Cabal Fall Down
Produced by Darth Fader
3. The Purge
Produced by Tomkat
4. The Unveiling
Produced by Phazemega
5. The Big Quiet
Produced by Lamb Chop
6. Hive Mind
Produced by Clone of Sokbot
7. Bonus Mystery track: Zeitgeist
Produced by Dj Pepe
For your skratching pleasure! Another new unreleased #dirtstyle record add-on for your 30th Anniversary Dirt Style Dictionary! These are our favorite tracks to kill the kuts with! All dusty and grimy beats molded by your favorite Dirt Style Producers:
#darthfader @phazemega, Dj OnQ, #djlambchop #djgrandmasterpepe, Shortkut, #spaghettiseal #Sokbot, Clone of Sokbot, KnoWhai, DJ Hypnotize, ItsRelay, #HawaiianDinosaur, IQ, The Tomkat, Fart Bucket, Anthrax the Maniac, Oslo Flow, Gold Voltron, Itsrelay, Ultrapitch Man, Mixing Mazinger, Triumph The Turntable Dog, Skratchy Seal and Skratchy Eel!
Also download:
🎁 The Fungi Drummer, Strawberry Smart Bomb Breaks, Beats From Planet Zarklon, Rechargeable Bacteria Breaks, Dirt Style's Dirtiest Drums, Obstacle Course, Wild Style Dirt Style, Fake Alien Invasion, Project Blue Beam, Mind Control Chip, Antarctic Pyramid, 20 & Back, Psychic Spy, Transhumanism, Lunar Operations Command, Beware of Dog, Cydonia Breaks, Montauk Project, Smart Dust, Tell-U-Vision, Nano Particle, Spiritual War, Censored, Intel, Palmdemic, Tartaria, Cloned Dragon, Black Knight Satellite, HAAARP Breaks, Identify Trafficking, Ancient Tree Stump, Ormus, Hidden History, False Information, Project:Sandman, Social Credit Score, Secret Space Program, World War Weather, Predictive Programming, Emergency Broadcast System, Critical Thinking, Distraction, Secret Stargate, Under Water City, Round vs Flat Earth, Elite Exposé & Electro Magnetic Fever, Sim Bowl, Neura-Link, Cyber Attack, Great Reset, Neura Link, Sim Bowl, Zero Poin, Bigfoot, Dominion, Palm Reader & Bar-B-Cued Shit Breaks!